Sunday, December 9, 2012

Blog 3: Weirdness & Yourself.

You probably think you're real weird and strange, right? And then you think this is why no one likes me. I'm an outcast. Ummm..HELLO! Being weird is probably the most awesome thing ever. Thats what makes! Don't ever be afraid to be your weird self. It makes you unique and it makes you who you are. It separates you from others and makes you stand out. What if you don't want to stand out? Everyone does in their own ways. Everyone is weird. People just show it more than others and that's perfectly normal. I'm weird, and I'm happy with myself so why not be happy with yourself? Just think of this quote from Alice in Wonderland whenever you think you're too weird:
Hatter: Have I gone mad?
Alice: I'm afraid so. Bonkers even. But here's a secret: ALL THE BEST PEOPLE ARE. 

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