Sunday, December 9, 2012

Blog 2: Friends.

Okay so my second blog is going to be advice about friends because everyone goes through loosing friends at some point in their life. This subject will probably be talked about a lot with me because it seems that a lot of people are going through that right now. In elementary school you have tons of friends that you talk to and hang out with at the playground and you rush to sit with at lunch. But once you get to middle school, things begin to change a little bit. You seem to drift away from your best friends, but you find new people to talk to. And then once you get to high school, EVERYTHING changes. It's kind of like, you have your different types of groups: you have people that you talk to in class, people that are just friends, people that are aquatintces and then your best friends. But you seem to have less best friends than you did last year. But listen, IT'S OKAY! Really! It's nothing you did wrong at all! They just found people that have more in common with them and you guys just drift away because you don't see each other often. Don't freak out if your best friend isn't talking to you; they just are expanding their choices. You'll find people that are just like you.